Thursday, 19 September 2013

Real Time ASP.Net Dropdown Binding implementation in web application

Hi viewers,

This is my 4th post and i think you people will feel very interesting while reading this article and you will improve coding skills after debugging the code.

Please download the code and debug it. i am sure you will get lot more knowledge on real time web application development. you will find the structure of web application,using of master pages,re-usability of code and  things related to naming conventions,Entity creations,Data accesssing and lot more.

Download LINK: real time dropdown binding download

In the above link you can find the example of how a drop down is binded in real time web application development with the entities. In this example i will use only one method for binding thousands of drop downs across the application.Don`t get shocked,this is possible and i love this quote "Write once and use it many times". In the example only one drop down is binded but you can bind "n" number of drop downs by calling only one method. 

Look at the method in the downloaded example:

                 ToggleControlOnlyBlank(ByRef workingddl As DropDownList, ByRef workinglist As Object,  ByVal intItemCount As Int16,  ByVal ddlvalue As String, ByVal ddlText As String,  ByVal enabled As Boolean, ByVal addBlankText As Boolean, ByVal autoPostBack As Boolean, ByVal Visible As Boolean, _Optional ByVal defaultValue As Integer = Nothing)

i am making this method as shared method and placing it in a common utility class. So that it is accessible across the application and not necessary to create an object to call this method every time. In the same way you can re-use the code for different purposes.

Why Common utility class?
                    Because it is very meaningful when we place all the methods which are frequently used in the application.

i hope you will enjoy this while debugging the code.

Please comment it if you have any queries. I will respond to your queries in my free time.

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